Jesse and I have been married for 3 weeks now, and I can't stop looking at my rings. Our wedding day went so very smoothly. Friday afternoon Mum, Gretel & I all went for manicures and massages. We went out for dinner for Ali's birthday, and were home by aro
und 9.30pm. We watched some of the royal wedding coverage and both went to bed around 11pm. I read for a bit to distract myself before attempting to sleep.
I woke up at around 6.30am but stayed in bed until my alarm went off at 7. I climbed into bed with Mum and Dad and after about 5-10 minutes Mum made me get up to have a shower. Gretel and I had a quick breakfast and then it was off to the hairdressers at 8. Kelly and Jess did a fabulous job of our hair, and I was feel far less nervous after inhaling approximately half a can of hair spray in the process. Upon arriving home there was only about a 15 minute wait before Tammy arrived to do our make up. As we had our make up done (and afterwards) Mum served lunch - a salad and cold meat platter. It was delicious, and finger food was a good idea, as it was easy to pick at as we walked past. Around midday the girls got into their bridesmaid dresses, and Sian our flower girl arrived with her parents. Then it was time to get into my dress! When I put my dress on I didn't have that defining moment, thinking "omg I'm getting married", I just felt so incredibly beautiful and excited! David & Helen arrived with the car shortly before Sonja, our wonderful photographer, who arrived around 12.30pm. It was drizzling outside so our photos had to be taken inside. We rearranged furniture, had lots of photos done, and by 1pm it had stopped raining so had a few photos outside in the garden and in front of the car (a 1959 Cadilac) before preparing to leave.
We easily fit the entire bridal party into the Cadillac (myself, Dad, 3 bridesmaids, flower girl + driver) and headed to the church. I did my best to be on time. In fact, we were probably overtaken by more than one of the guests on our way to the church. Everyone else got out of the car except me and Dad. We had a few more photos taken, and then it was time to get out and walk down the red carpet to the church. It was then that I felt nervous, and, of course, minor symptoms of reflux. I think I was too quick to start the processional music as we were to walk down the aisle, but the girls were organised and were wonderful. As I walked down the aisle all I was trying to think about was not tripping over my dress. I stepped
on it a couple times but it didn't show (according to a few people I asked).
The ceremony went so quickly. It seemed as though the songs, the reading and message and our vows just flew by and we were married! The exchanging of the rings was funny. During the rehearsal Jesse had questioned which finger he was supposed to put the ring on. I assured him I would keep my engagement ring on for him so he couldn't forget. But of course we both started giggling when he hesitated about putting the ring on my finger.
Walking back down the aisle I tried very hard not to trip on my dress, and Jesse had learned from Matt & Ash's wedding 2 weeks prior how to navigate around the train. It had stopped raining sometime during the service, although it was still cloudy. My grandpa so lovingly had dried 3 boxes of rose petals, and I believe about a box of those ended up down the front of my dress (thank you everyone)! Once outside Gretel tried to hold up my train so it didn't get dirty on the ground, but I didn't care. I was only planning on wearing the dress once, so why worry about getting it dirty! Sonja pinned up my train so I could walk around and have photos taken with family & a big group photo. And then after many many more photos from everyone else, it was time to get back in the Cadillac and drive to Serafino's McLaren Vale.
After a hike across the wet grass to the vines we had more photos taken with the bridal party. For the height of my shoes, I managed the walk surprisingly easily, and the shoes managed to stay comfortable until around 10pm (that's 10 whole hours after I put them on) when the dancing started. But I've gone off on a tangent. After final photos, trying to capture the very last of the daylight, our guests were ushered to their seats while our bridal party assembled waiting to be announced.
From the moment we were announced, to when we sat down, to entree, mains, speeches, dancing and dessert, the night just flew by. The venue looked absolutely amazing. I want to say a VERY big thank you to Matt from Caso Light N Sound, and my darling husband for their efforts on Friday with the set up. See Matt's website and contact him for his outstanding work. The service and food at Serafino's was flawless. For my main I had a beef fillet steak with potato and caramelised onions, and it was so very delicious.
Despite numerous threats that "if there's a first dance we're not getting married" - Jesse compromised. We didn't dance alone, we were joined by our parents, and then shortly afterwards by our bridal party. And after our initial dance, I had chosen Rick Springfield's "Jesse's Girl" to encourage everyone else onto the dance floor - and it worked! From that point in the night, there was only one more scheduled 'event' - the tossing of the bouquet! As the girls were assembling Sonja (my photographer & good friend) asked me "do I have to photograph this or can I join in?". My response: "Join in!" And it's a good thing she did - she caught the bouquet!! Her long term boyfriend received quite a few messages. Before we knew it, the DJ was requesting we wind up the night, it was 11pm.
It was a long day. From 6.30am until we arrived at our room around 11.30pm, I had been living on nerves, excitement, a
little relief, and joy and it was finally time to feel tired. It was such a wonderful day, it couldn't have been any more perfect, and I want to thank every single person who was there, whether you just attended our ceremony, invited guest, specially chosen to help out with any part of the night, behind the scenes and/or in the lead up to our special day. It was amazing, and I'm lacking in words to describe the feeling.
I apologise for how long it's taken me to get this post up, but it's taken me 3 days just to get it written - it is rather long!