Our final day in Malaysia. We awoke, showered and packed our bags for the trip back home to Australia.
At 9.30am we took our luggage downstairs and pack it all into Terrance's car. Then we all got into the van and headed off for breakfast, leaving the Luther Centre for the last time. Zen was driving, as unfortunately Ps Calvin was unexpectedly tied up with other international guests. We had our final Malaysia breakfast out (Dim Sum) and then went to the Damansar Utama Lutheran Church (from whom we were borrowing the van), and the youth who were Brazil the previous day/night.
I was slightly nodding off during the sermon (it was a guest pastor - from Zen & Terrance's church!) but I don't know if it was tiredness or my cold, but I just couldn't concentrate. After the service we stayed around briefly for a drink, photos (all of the girls got around Dan and Cameron!) before heading off to Times Square mall. We had about 4.5 hours in which to buy last minute gifts and kill time.
We did some more wandering, and then went over to the Digital Mall where we ran into Bradley. He had just played in some racing tournament (for which he actually came 2nd overall!) Jesse and I ended up buying a new digital SLR camera. The sales guy was good and sat and showed us 3 different cameras for about a half hour. We ended up buying a Song, costing about $650AUD (RM2000). Not wanting to spend too much more money we went back to Times Square. We wandered around some more, and I bought a few things to use up my RM. The interesting thing about most clothes stores in Malaysia is that mostly they don't allow you to try things on. Luckily, I am average Asian size, and the 2x dresses and top that I bought fit!
At 6.15pm we all met up, swapped shopping stories, went to the car and started our journey to KLIA. Zen only made one wrong turn (took the exit took early) but we made it. We all checked in our bags together (14kg to spare over all 9 of us), had a quick bite to eat at Burger King, gave our thank you bags to Terrance and Zen, and made our way towards the International Departures. We made a quick detour via the duty free store for alcohol (and spent the last of our RM, putting the balance on credit card) before getting to our gate and joining the long line through security to board the plane home!
After one final group photo we all went our separate ways, exhausted, but with this amazing experience in our minds.