Saturday, September 1, 2012

Happy Fathers' Day

Well, what a beautiful day for the beginning of spring! After months of miserable cold, windy, raining weather the sunshine was beautiful. I felt motivated and happy and managed to get lots of cleaning done. But the main reason for my cleaning efforts are because I'm having my parents & in-laws over for lunch tomorrow for Fathers' Day. My cleanliness standards are not quite as high as my mother's, so it's a good motivator for me.

In thinking about Fathers' Day I recalled a poem I wrote back in 2006, which I'll share below. It was an amazing message given to me from our Heavenly Father.

My dearest daughter,
Why do you worry? Why do you try to fix your problems alone? Why do you insist I stay away during your times of weakness? That is when you need me most, dear child. I love you too much to see you so upset. I know everything about you, my princess, so why do you hide? I am here for you in the good times and the bad. I love you too much, daughter of mine. That is why your brother died for you. That is why my son Jesus died for you. He died to give you life, my daughter.
I give you my love, dear princess of Heaven. You can take it or leave it, but please know that I am here for you every second of every hour of every day. I will never abandon you. You are too precious, my dearest child, to ever be left alone.
I love you, now and until forever meets no end.
Your loving Father and King,

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