Thursday, October 1, 2009

Happy Birthday Jesse!

I've been trying to think of a new blog topic lately, but there hasn't really been much on my mind.

All I have really been focused on is how unusually exhausted I am, and how it is quite clear from the ulcer I have. This is the fifth day, and while I can eat a little better, and drink and talk, it still stings. I'm still keeping myself on softer foods that I don't have to chew very much. I've been trying to get more sleep, and I'm sleeping better. I haven't had a nightmare in a week, though my last one would make quite a twisted horror movie, I'll get around to writing it down soon.

I am quite looking forward to the long weekend. Though I have events on both Friday and Saturday nights I will try and limit myself and not push myself, and I will have both Sunday and Monday to sleep in and recover. I am a much better person at work now that I can feel the absolute exhaustion slipping away to simply fatigue. I had comments from 3 co-workers that I was not myself, but I feel I am getting better.

Well, I best be off and start on writing down the twisted scenes my mind creates while I am sleeping.

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