Sunday, October 31, 2010

End of the month update

Well, it is the last day of October...21 days since my last post...whoops! I have done a few exciting things this month, but I don't think my list of things to do before the wedding is getting any shorter.

BUT, I have picked up my wedding dress (yay!) and Jesse and I have pretty much got the guest list sorted. My current 'To Do's' are:
  • invitations (decide on style and make) and
  • find a place to live
Apparently the rental market in Adelaide is quite competitive in the area we're looking. So far, no luck on either of the place we've applied for. It's a little frustrating, I would like to know where I'll be living.

In terms of invitations, I think I've got an idea of sorts in my head, I just don't know how to express it and get it put together. And don't even get me started about colours! I. Don't. Know. Whoever thought planning a wedding was difficult. me it's not the planning that's difficult, it's just the whole finding ideas that I'm not good at.

But, on to other news, in the last month two of my friends have had babies. One, in fact, just on Friday night. Congrats to Nicole and Brent and Scott and Robyn on their beautiful baby boys...Lachlan must be a choice name, as that is what you have both named them!!

Edited to add: Rosie and I had a very productive day today, and we've sorted the design and materials for the invitations!! I just need envelopes, and to draw up the wording on my computer so I can print and make a trial!!!! YAY for progress =D

Sunday, October 10, 2010

The joys of customer service part 2

On the flipside, there are also clients that I love to see; ones that I will gladly stop what I'm doing to assist them. I will mention a couple in particular. His name is Lucky (yes, for real, that's his name) and he's a painter. There's nothing in particular that stands out about him, except he is so incredibly friendly, and his books are immaculate. For a tradesman (I'm generalizing here) he is very neat and very well-spoken.

The other is John (a good Greek name, that one) and he is excavator. I don't know what I did, but one day he came in and dropped back his signed documents and paid his account in cash (also another good Greek thing to do). But then he handed me a $50, saying for my help. I've never actually been given a tip before, so I didn't know what to do, and tried to give it back to him several times. He told me not to tell anyone, but the first thing I did was tell my manager, who said it was perfectly OK to keep. The most amazing thing about that was the timing. I was flat broke that week, after all of my expenses. And so the $50 allowed me to put a full tank of petrol in my car.

I wish all of our clients were so pleasant to deal with, and as easy as Lucky and John. I'm sure I will have most stories at a later date.