Sunday, March 14, 2010


I was watching the latest episode of House MD today which had an interesting concept about blogging. The patient was a blogger, she put her life, her thoughts, her everything on the internet, to the sometimes frustration of her husband. She shared her entire self with her online friends.

And she said something that I thought I should share. How often is it that we share everything with the person we see everyday? Not just 'how was your day' but 'how are you feeling today', 'what are you thinking', 'is there anything worrying you'.

She said during the episode, "I wish you had a blog so I could know what you are thinking."

Are we like this sometimes with other people, not willing to share ourselves with those around us? And what is it that we are afraid of if we choose not to?

Just some thoughts.


  1. I think we choose not to share sometimes because:
    1. Rumours could start spreading.
    2. people change/adapt the rumours, and before you know it they have told someone else an incorrect version of your story.
    3. what you share could hurt you, BUT even Worse-it may have the potential to hurt someone else in your life. (So usually we are simply protecting others.)

  2. sometimes we just don't know how to start. if something is wrong our hearts don't want to bring anyone else down. so, we post it on the internet, that way we have told someone but were not as worried that we have made anyone else feel bad.
