Saturday, February 7, 2009

Just a few thoughts

It's late, I'm exhausted and for some reason I still feel like posting a blog. It's hot and I'm putting off going to bed, even though it's most likely hotter here in the office than in the bedroom.

Today started out OK and then for some relatively unknown reason my mood completely flipped and I just felt so unmotivated. The last hour at work was very busy and I didn't really have too much more time to think. Since then I've been outside and the heat has kinda melted my mind and it's turned itself off and I haven't been thinking.

Jesse ended up staying over last night, and it was really good just to spend time with him. We watched an episode of Burn Notice and I was looking up prices and plans for Blackberry Bolds. I'm considering getting one, but it's only free on the $99/month cap, otherwise it's $999 outright.

I am just wondering if anyone reads this is good to get stuff out but I'm also looking for a bit of feedback. I've set it so anyone can comment, you don't have to have a Blogger account.

Anyway, I should probably go to sleep. It's well past my bedtime and I'm up late again tomorrow night.

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