Saturday, April 3, 2010

Thinking thoughts

Well, I had no real motivation to write today. But I kept myself busy, and actually out of the house for a few hours. Bought a few books online and at the bookstore, so I will have something more to read. I'm really getting more into fantasy books. I'm quite liking the whole Vampire thing. Not Twilight, obviously (I'm glad to see that there was no mention of the series AT ALL on the Wikipedia entry) but the True Blood (Sookie Stackhouse) series. I've just ordered the other series written by the same author.

What I have been thinking about lately and has been bugging me is work. At least I think so. There have been pangs of different feelings. Whenever I look through photos of friends on Facebook and they are wedding photos I just can't help but feel so very jealous. And at work...well, there always seems to be this dilemma about the reception position. And because it is the only positiong below me, who fills the spot when it is empty...? Me! Strange thing is, this time I'm not sure quite early on that we've made the right decision.

Julie is our office assistant and my boss has been sceptical that we made the right choice - but there were 4 of us that agreed from her trial that she would be right for the job. But she has been with us now for just over a month (gosh, that's gone quickly!) and I'm having second thoughts.

1 - There are little things about her that annoy me. I know this seems silly, but with everyone else in the office I haven't had any gripes with at all. It's just something that makes me question her maturity. Julie is in her 50's and she still says things like 'drinkies' and other baby-type words that are not professional and just don't sound mature. But this may just be my pet peeve.

2 - I'm not sure if she will be able to grasp our work. I know it isn't exactly the easiest industry to understand, with all the specialised software and language, but I'm having my doubts. There have been a couple things where it appears she wasn't listening or using her common sense that just make us wonder 'why would you do that?'.

3 - My boss is rarely wrong when it comes to his instinct.

My boss has said on a couple of ocassions that I need to let him know if he doesn't think she's suitable, but I hate the feeling of knowing that I could get someone to lose their job.

I just don't know any more.

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